
I am the catalyst for change and have no tolerance for wimps, egomaniacs or any other fear-based behavior. I am self-made. If I can go from longing to being, so can mortals. They may not have the powers we Gods and Goddesses do; yet, they do have a mind. I intend on helping them use it. If you irritate me, I am the enzymatic Sorceress that will destabilize your existence. I am Circe.

Circe by the Sea, Part II

I imagined dragging this reticent round man by the scruff of his neck as he tried to physically find his footing just so he could keep up with me. Yet the best he could muster was a nonsensical toehold that provided a dubious dip and drag kind of experience. I could see sand spewing in every direction as if he was a wheel, feverishly churning and throwing mud all around.

Circe by the Sea

I felt amazingly free of all significant energy, attitudes, beliefs, and behaviors. I noticed everything on my body fluttered as the sea breeze whispered beneath my clothing and tousled my hair. It was such a juicy moment of solitude and exquisite delight. However, I briefly found myself hung up on whether I could experience this amount of laziness at home.

Bathed in Proof, Part IV

The women around me had synchronized their breathing and movements. They were dancing with the force within them. Every exhale released their limitations through shrieks of ecstatic joy. As riveting as it was to watch their activation, this sorceress in training did not have time to waste.

Bathed In Proof, Part III

I happened to enjoy the many different colors of tea and loved watching the brewed infusion swirl about. So, I grabbed a clear glass kettle along with my favorite cup and went to the sunroom to join Amber. I walked in to find Amber sitting on the floor in front of a tall window, chatting with a golden orb spider. She was clearly distressed, and I stopped to listen.

Bathed in Proof, Part I

Mmmmm. Finally. A tranquil moment. No questions, no prodding, just calm water forgiving the weight of the world. As my body welcomed the relief, the scent of oakmoss settled my soul. A hint of neroli diffused my thoughts, and the aroma of spruce took me home. Home. It’s been almost a year since I left. A gentle breeze stirred the forest as I lay beneath the canopy. Serenity eventually occupied my body. Stillness was achieved.

Out of the Shadows

Just like the winds stirred the sands earlier today, meeting Brady stirred my passions. These two introduced me to different aspects of myself. Brady invited exploration. Suzanne soothed my soul. The contrast captivated me.

Unrequited Love

Although strained, we continued our conversation until Calais started to feel weak. I assisted him to the bedroom to lie down. I sat with him stroking his long, soft hair. Moaning, he whispered, “I’ve never felt like this before. What was in the tea?”

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